Thursday 30th May
Pinnacle Group’s team in Leeds have been awarded Best Operational Project at the Partnership Awards for the ‘Leeds Ten’ schools project. The Gold Award was presented at the Annual Partnership Awards hosted at the London Hilton, Park Lane on Thursday 9th May 2019.
The awards, now in their 21st year, are designed to celebrate outstanding achievements in public-private partnerships and are open to all projects and organisations across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Serving largely socially deprived areas in Leeds, the 10 schools demonstrate what can be achieved when the public and private sectors work together. Pinnacle and our partners, HCP and QED, were commended on our close working relationship and the added social value brought to the schools and their wider communities.
The 10 schools demonstrate what can be achieved when the public and private sectors work together
Our 100+ members of delivery staff serving 4,000 pupils have worked hard to bring added social value to the forefront of our service. This has included donating goods – as well as spare time – to help improve children’s wellbeing and learning experiences, as well as supporting the wider community directly and through local organisations. Recent initiatives have included Christmas donation appeals, sponsored sports tournaments and the ‘Give Your Time’ appeal in which Pinnacle staff members pledge their time and expertise to support community organisations.
The partnership has also focussed on a number of sustainability improvements to the buildings themselves, improving environmental standards through measures such as rainwater harvesting and installing LED lighting, as well as ensuring these measures help improve the contract’s value for money.
An excellent illustration of how an operational PPP project can deliver benefits to not only the schools but also the wider community
Neil Fergus, Managing Director of Facilities Management said: “We are very proud of the performance of our Leeds team, so it’s fantastic that they have received this award (in conjunction with our partners HCP and QED). The team are tremendously dedicated to delivering great services to our customers, but it’s the added value that they bring to the schools and the wider community that really stands out. That commitment to social value is now a core component of the everyday service in Leeds and their achievements are remarkable”.
The Partnership Awards judging panel said: “The judges considered this project to be an exemplar PPP both in terms of its core operations and its wider social engagement, backed up with strong evidence and testimonials. They welcomed the scheme as an excellent illustration of how an operational PPP project can deliver benefits to not only the schools but also the wider community”.
This latest award follows a host of other commendations Pinnacle has won since the contract began in 2009. We self-deliver a comprehensive Total Facilities Management service which, incorporating cleaning, catering, caretaking, grounds maintenance and M&E maintenance, while also overseeing major and lifecycle works.