Wednesday 19th January
At Pinnacle Group, we are proud to have launched our first “Transforming Communities, Changing Lives” annual review, which looks back at the fantastic Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) progress made in 2021, to create a lasting legacy in the communities we serve.
Last year, Pinnacle’s ESG journey started with the introduction of a new ESG framework, which underpinned our vision and purpose. Our objectives have been set out across four pillars: “Protect Our Planet”, “Our People”, “Community Impact” and “Responsible Business”.

To meet our new framework goals, we acted in 2021 to deliver against our ambitious plan – the results of which are now revealed in our first ESG annual review. Some of the review highlights include:
- Kickstarting Project Electrify – increasing the number of electric vehicles in our fleet.
- A new approach to retrofitting buildings such as the 70% energy reduction across Swindon schools by switching to LED lighting.
- Launching a first-of-its-kind Responsible Procurement Policy, in collaboration with our preferred commercial cleaning supplier, BCHS (Bunzl Cleaning and Hygiene Services).
- Embracing tools and technologies, such as our Voice of the Customer and FM Client Feedback programmes and a new supply chain management system.
- Engaging with the communities which we serve, in Myatts Field, London, we devised and hosted six weeks of free structured sport coaching followed by a healthy lunch for 50 young people.
- Introducing a new supply chain management system which captures more detailed information on our supply partners.

Peregrine Lloyd, Group Chief Executive, said: “I am incredibly proud to launch our ESG Annual Review to showcase the activity that has taken place across our Group over the last year. This Annual Review serves as an important waypoint on our ESG journey.
“It provides us the opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made, to challenge our approach and to find ways in which we can extend and strengthen the impact we make. It was six months ago that we launched our new ESG framework, and I’m pleased to see the outcome of our new approach to capturing and measuring the impact of our collective efforts in this review. Looking forward to 2022, I am excited by what I believe we can achieve.”
To learn more about the positive impact Pinnacle has had on the environment, communities, and training and development, you can read the full report here.