Tuesday 4th April

In recognition of our positive workplace culture and values, Pinnacle Group has been awarded silver status from Investors in People following a period of considerable change and organisational development since the last assessment in 2019.

This is the 23rd year that the accreditation, which reviews a company’s ability to lead, empower and grow its employees, has been awarded to Pinnacle. Out of the survey respondents, 74% agreed or strongly agreed that they are trusted to make decisions within their roles, with 79% either agreeing or strongly agreeing that their behaviour within their roles reflects the values of the business.

The assessors found that Pinnacle displayed ‘advanced’ qualities in areas of organisational values and behaviours, colleague empowerment, sustainability and setting a culture of continuous improvement.

Areas of ‘outstanding practice’ in the way people were led and managed were noted in the wide-ranging report, including one-to-one meetings where people can discuss their career development needs and team meetings where people feel there is an environment of positive praise. A regular engagement survey, allowing colleagues to contribute their views on and ideas for improving their experience of working life, and encouraging managers and their teams to take responsibility for the feedback was also noted as contributing to the overall feeling of continuous improvement.

“This past year has seen us demonstrate measurable success in areas of collective responsibility. Our values are determined by an approach to delivering services that make a positive difference to people’s lives. This accreditation showcases how this permeates right through to the very individuals that are consistently upholding high quality standards in the communities we serve. We’re proud of our continued vision to create an environment for our team that will allow them to grow with the business and consistently enjoy their work.”
Peregrine Lloyd
Group Chief Executive, Pinnacle Group

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